Author Archives: admin

Bernd AT95 Preamplifier

Bernd Preamp AT95It’s still on the project and test bench
Original board from Bernd Bieg
Bernd Preamp AT95

Input: 200mVRMS / 20Hz                                             Input: 200mVRMS / 50kHz

Input: 200mVRMS / 1kHz                                            Input: 200mVRMS / 18kHz + 19kHz

JRiver Remote Control

JRiver RemoteJRiver Remote Instalation on Android Tablet

JRiver Remote      JRiver Remote
Select Library Folders                                                  Select CD to play

JRiver Remote     JRiver Remote
Remote Controll of Audio Level and Titel                Titel Information

JRiver Remote     JRiver Remote
Metadata of Titel                                                           Artist Biography (not with JRemote2) !

Revox B126 CD Player

Revox B126 CD PlayerThe Story
In the Revox B126 CD-Player works the good old TDA1541A DAC, also known
as the R2R DAC (this is not a 1-Bit Sigma Delta DAC as you find
nowadays in all new CD-Players).

If you change the two Electrolitic-Condenser C104 + C204 (each 100µF) into a good
Foil-Condenser and you will get big improvement of the sound.

Revox B126 manualRevox B126 CD Player      Revox B126 CD PlayerSee the changed Condensers and the TDA1541A DAC